xPollinate Preview of HelloTxt Support

I have a new version of xPollinate waiting in the wings, with new support for HelloTxt. With this new feature, you won’t have to choose between Ping.fm or HelloTxt – you can use one, the other, or both (just try not to spam the hell out of your friends with duplicate posts!). I’ve submitted my…

MP3Tag Rename Script

So I don’t forget it, and lose it when reimaging my machine, I’m posting my mp3tag file rename script. It takes the audio files that I have tagged, prefixes with a padded track number, formats as 001 – album – title.ext and shortens the name if it starts to get too long and nears the windows…

PDC Day 1 – Lap Around Windows Azure Notes

Session #1: Windows Azure Platform: Windows Azure SQL Azure AppFabric …plus developer tools and "Dallas" Azure does "Compute" "Management" and "Storage" SQL Azure is a relational DB as a service. Demo is of a tickmaster-type application that uses Azure. TicketDirect Architecture: "Compute" using Web and Worker roles to process tickets Using the service bus to…