PDC Day 1 KeyNote Notes

Windows Azure Improvements since last year: Support PHP, CGI, Apache, other frameworks Expose very low-level programming efforts (not just .NET). Example was a C++ app with pointers exposed as an Azure service Identity framework (support passing tokens from federated locations i.e. onsite AD instance) SQL Azure Improvements since last year: Not just RESTful consumption of…

.NET Plugin DLL Hell (aka assembly binding nightmares)

I’ve worked on a few .NET WinForms applications that utilized a “plugin” model. You’ve probably seen similar apps out there, where a main application searches a directory for DLLs, and then tries to load them into the AppDomain, using some code like below:

This kind of architecture is pretty standard, and is… Release of xPollinate

I just released a new version of xPollinate, This is just a maintenance release to make the plugin work with Windows LiveWriter version 14.0.8089.726. I am currently working on supporting categories for the next release, so stay tuned.

HP TouchSmart Update Error, Fix, Unfix

My HP TouchSmart has an HP Updater program that checks for updates to HP software and drivers. This program has recently started finding updates to install, but mysteriously failing to install the updates after downloading them. Apparently HP was aware of this, because one of the Updates (“Urgent:HP Update fix for “Install Cancelled issue”) was…