WSS Script for non-AD Installation

Here is a script for configuring WSS 3.0 installation without Active Directory, where SQL Server resides on a separate box: psconfig -cmd -configdb -create -server DBSERVERNAME -database wss_admin_config -user WSSSERVERAppPoolAccountName -password p@ssword -dbuser SQLDBUSERNAME -dbpassword p@ssword -admincontentdatabase wss_admin_content Based on the post here:

NBA Playoffs 2009 – Online Bust

As much as I hate David Stern and the NBA for moving the Sonics, I still enjoy watching the best players during the playoffs. Since I don’t have cable TV, and am often too busy on weekends to catch the network television games on ABC, the last two years I’ve purchased the playoff games online…

Thoughts on Passover and the Exodus

Every year but this one, I seem to catch the TV when the movie The Ten Commandments is on, and I’m always reminded how much I like the story of Passover. It’s such a fantastical tale, so far out of reality in so many ways. I always wonder what the hell really happened at that…