Google, Bing, and Bias

I’ve just started skeptically using Bing. The first thing I searched for was “xPollinate”, my Live Writer plugin. I guess I can safely say, “Bing!”. On Google, the first result was for a PHP data conversion project, hosted on a GeoCities web page (apparently not updated since 2004): On Bing, the first result was my…

Windows Live Gallery Sucks

After writing a Windows Live Writer Plugin and publishing it to the gallery, I’ve become completely frustrated with the user experience of that site. The Windows Live Gallery web site matches all the negative stereotypes that people typically have about Microsoft products. It is a hodgepodge of functionality, loosely tied together, with no visible support…

WSS Script for non-AD Installation

Here is a script for configuring WSS 3.0 installation without Active Directory, where SQL Server resides on a separate box: psconfig -cmd -configdb -create -server DBSERVERNAME -database wss_admin_config -user WSSSERVERAppPoolAccountName -password p@ssword -dbuser SQLDBUSERNAME -dbpassword p@ssword -admincontentdatabase wss_admin_content Based on the post here: